Astrocaryum jauari Mart., Hist. Nat. Palm. 2: 76 (1824)

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Throughout most of the Amazon basin, in seasonally inundated areas along black-water rivers and lakes, where it tends to form rather large colonies. (Borchsenius F., Borgtoft-Pedersen H. and Baslev H. 1998. Manual to the Palms of Ecuador. AAU Reports 37. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Catalica del Ecuador)A


  • Canopy palm. Stem solitary, to 20 m tall and 30 cm in diameter, armed with long black spines. Leaves forming a funnel shaped crown, erect and arching, neatly abscising, 4-6 m long; pinnae to 150 on each side, evenly spaced or grouped, spreading in different planes, the central ones to 110 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. Inflorescences erect, ca. 200 cm long; branches ca. 100, the proximal to 30 cm long, each usually with 5-7 female flowers on the basal part. Male flowers ca. 4 mm long. Female flowers 5-8 mm long including stigmas. Fruits obovoid, greyish green, turning yellow or orange at maturity, glabrous, 3-4 cm long. (Borchsenius F., Borgtoft-Pedersen H. and Baslev H. 1998. Manual to the Palms of Ecuador. AAU Reports 37. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Catalica del Ecuador)A

Use Record

  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Alimentación para animales de caza y pesca. (…). Son pepiaderos de aves y mamíferos: Miconia splendens y Goupia glabra, y pepiadero de peces Astrocaryum jauari. (Sánchez, M., and P. Miraña 1991: Utilización de la vegetación arbórea en el Medio Caquetá: 1. El árbol dentro de las unidades de la tierra, un recurso para la comunidad Miraña)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Animal FoodFish baitNot specifiedIndigenousMirañaColombia
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Alimento an. Fruto. Alimento. Fruto. Fibra. Hoja. (Cerón, C.E. 1995: Etnobiología de los Cofanes de Dureno, provincia de Sucumbíos, Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Human FoodFoodFruitsIndigenousQuichuaEcuador
    OtherN/ASpear leafIndigenousQuichuaEcuador
    Animal FoodWildlife attractantFruitsIndigenousQuichuaEcuador
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Alimento. Fruto. Leña. Tallo. Alimentación animal. Fruto. (Cerón, C.E., A. Payaguaje, D. Payaguaje et al. 2005: Etnobotánica Secoya)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Animal FoodWildlife attractantFruitsIndigenousSecoyaEcuador
    Human FoodFoodFruitsIndigenousSecoyaEcuador
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Artesanias. Semillas. Utensilios de cocina. Hoja. (Forero, M.C. 2005: Aspectos etnobotánicos de uso y manejo de la familia Arecaceae (palmas) en la comunidad indígena Ticuna de Santa Clara de Tarapoto, del resguardo Ticoya del municipio de Puerto Nariño, Amazonas, Colombia.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticEntire leafIndigenousTikunaColombia
    CulturalPersonal adornmentSeedsIndigenousTikunaColombia
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Astrocaryum jauari Mart. Español: Huiririma. Urarina: Siyaná Usos: Medicinal y cosmético — El palmito es utilizado para la preparación de extractos contra la hepatitis. Construcción — El tronco es utilizado para los postes (horcones) de las viviendas, menos frecuente es su uso para las vigas de techos y pisos; las hojas suelen ser utilizadas para el techado de las viviendas, entremezcladas con otras más resistentes. Herramientas y utensilios — Las hojas jóvenes son utilizadas para la fabricación de canastos de rápida elaboración en sus visitas al bosque; ocasionalmente las hojas tiernas se usan en la fabricación de abanicos y escobas; los frutos son utilizados como carnada para la pesca. Alimenticio — Los frutos maduros son comestibles y utilizados para la preparación de bebidas; ocasionalmente el palmito es extraído para ser consumido; las larvas de coleóptero (suris) cosechadas de los troncos en descomposición y de los frutos viejos son consumidas cocidas. Comunidad: 1–4, 6, 7, 9–21, 24–30. Voucher: H. Balslev 7347 (Balslev, H., C. Grandez, et al. 2008: Useful palms (Arecaceae) near Iquitos, Peruvian Amazon)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafNot identifiedN/APeru
    ConstructionHousesStemNot identifiedN/APeru
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticEntire leafNot identifiedN/APeru
    Human FoodBeveragesPalm heartNot identifiedN/APeru
    OtherN/AStemNot identifiedN/APeru
    Animal FoodFish baitFruitsNot identifiedN/APeru
    Medicinal and VeterinaryDigestive systemPalm heartNot identifiedN/APeru
    Human FoodBeveragesFruitsNot identifiedN/APeru
    Human FoodFoodFruitsNot identifiedN/APeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Comestible, fibra. (Albán, J. 1994: La mujer y las plantas útiles silvestres en la comunidad Cocama-Cocamilla de los ríos Samiria y Marañon.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Human FoodFoodNot specifiedIndigenousCocamaPeru
    OtherN/ASpear leafIndigenousCocamaPeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: El endospermo de las semillas en maduración es comestible. De raquis de las hojas jóvenes se obtiene material para fabricar cernidores y canastas. (Mejía, K.M. 1983: Palmeras y el selvícola amazónico)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticPetioleNot identifiedN/APeru
    Human FoodFoodSeedsNot identifiedN/APeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Endocarp used for necklaces ( Astrocaryum jauari, A. murumuru). (...). Fish bait (Astrocaryum jauari). (Balslev, H., and A. Barfod 1987: Ecuadorean palms- an overview)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Animal FoodFish baitSeedsIndigenousSionaEcuador
    CulturalPersonal adornmentFruitsIndigenousSionaEcuador
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Floors and walls. (...). The forest survey identified four species, of which only one (Astrocaryum jauari) was recorded as actually used. - manufacturing of items like bags or hats for daily use-. (...). Weave/bow. Fibres (leaf bud)/ split trunck. (Stagegaard, J., M. Sørensen, and L.P. Kvist 2002: Estimations of the importance of plant resources extracted by inhabitants of the Peruvian Amazon flood plains)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsHunting and fishingSpear leafMestizoN/APeru
    Utensils and ToolsHunting and fishingStemMestizoN/APeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Fruit attracts fish. Fruit. Braiding (fibres). Petiole. (Kvist, L., M.K. Andersen, J. Stagegaard, M. Hesselsoe, and C. Llapapasca 2001: Extraction from woody plants in flood plain communities in Amazonian Peru: use, choice, evaluation and conservation status of resoruces)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticPetioleMestizoN/APeru
    CulturalCloth and accessoriesPetioleMestizoN/APeru
    Animal FoodWildlife attractantFruitsMestizoN/APeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Fruit, endosperm. Wood for construction. Domestic artifacts & handicrafts. (…). The immature endosperm of a number of palm fruits is eaten. Among these are: Astrocaryurn chambira Burret (Mejia 0097) or "chambira"; A. Jauari Mart. (Mejia 0095) or "huiririma"; A. huicungo Damm. Ex Burret (Mejia 0096) or "huicungo," and Phytelephas microcarpa R. and P. (Mejia 0069) or "yarina." The fruits of this last species are considered locally to be effective in the control of diabetes. (…). The unopened young leaves of three Astrocaryum species, ¡.e., A. chambira, A. huicungo, and A. jauari, are ernployed in weaving hats and fans; three leaves are normally required to make a hat. (…). For example, many of the residents of the villages studied weave baskets and sieves using the outer layer of the rachis of the leaves of Oenocarpus mapora and Astrocaryum jauari, or the petioles of Mauritia flexuosa. The latter species also serves for making large screens which are used as floor mats or temporary dividers in the home. (Mejía, K. 1992: Las palmeras en los mercados de Iquitos)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    CulturalCloth and accessoriesEntire leafMestizoN/APeru
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticEntire leafMestizoN/APeru
    ConstructionOtherNot specifiedMestizoN/APeru
    Human FoodFoodSeedsMestizoN/APeru
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticLeaf rachisMestizoN/APeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Fruits are used as a bait in fishing and the endosperm is edible. (...). The palm heart is edible (...). (Borchsenius F., Borgtoft-Pedersen H. and Baslev H. 1998. Manual to the Palms of Ecuador. AAU Reports 37. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Catalica del Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Human FoodFoodSeedsIndigenousSionaEcuador
    Animal FoodFish baitFruitsIndigenousSionaEcuador
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Producto empleado en la alimentación. Frutales y otros vegetales. (Huertas, B. 2007: Nuestro territorio Kampu Piyawi (Shawi))
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Human FoodFoodNot specifiedIndigenousShawiPeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Se come la fruta pero mas que todo se utiliza como carnada en la pesca. Se hace lanzas, anzuelo tradicionales y sal vegetal para el ambíl. (Kronik, J. et al. 1999: Fééjahisuu. Palmas de los Nietos de la Tierra y Montaña Verde del Centro)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Animal FoodFish baitFruitsIndigenousMuinaneColombia
    CulturalRecreationalNot specifiedIndigenousMuinaneColombia
    Utensils and ToolsHunting and fishingNot specifiedIndigenousMuinaneColombia
    Human FoodFoodFruitsIndigenousMuinaneColombia
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Se consume el endosperma inmaduro. (Mejía, K. 1992: Las palmeras en los mercados de Iquitos)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Human FoodFoodSeedsNot identifiedN/APeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Starchy pulp. (Vasquez, R., and A.H. Gentry 1989: Use and misuse of forest-harvested fruits in the Iquitos area)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Human FoodFoodFruitsNot identifiedN/APeru
  • Astrocaryum jauari Mart.: Trunks resist rot and may be used as house posts. A simple burden baslet may be made from petioles. The ripe fruit is used as fishing bait. (Bodley, J.H., and F.C. Benson 1979: Cultural ecology of Amazonian palms)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Animal FoodFish baitFruitsIndigenousShipibo-ConiboPeru
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticPetioleIndigenousShipibo-ConiboPeru


    A. Borchsenius F., Borgtoft-Pedersen H. and Baslev H. 1998. Manual to the Palms of Ecuador. AAU Reports 37. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Catalica del Ecuador