Placement status: taxon unplaced
Use Record
- Maximiliana venatorum H.Wendl.: Indians use petioles as blow-pipes for the arrow poison Urari (Poeppig). (Macbride, J.F. 1960: Flora of Peru Vol. XIII Part 1 Nº 2)
Use Category | Use Sub Category | Plant Part | Human Group | Ethnic Group | Country | Utensils and Tools | Hunting and fishing | Petiole | Not identified | N/A | Peru |
- Maximiliana venatorum H.Wendl.: Palmera de cuyas hojas se extrae el nervio para fabricar los "dardos", que debidamente envenenado con el curare, es disparado con la pucuna (cerbatana). (Barriga, R. 1994: Plantas útiles de la Amazonia Peruana: características, usos y posibilidades.)
Use Category | Use Sub Category | Plant Part | Human Group | Ethnic Group | Country | Utensils and Tools | Hunting and fishing | Leaf rachis | Not identified | N/A | Peru |
- Maximiliana venatorum H.Wendl.: Slats split from the woody petioles are the primary material for woven sleeping mats. A hanging storage basket may be made from boat-shaped spathe. (Bodley, J.H., and F.C. Benson 1979: Cultural ecology of Amazonian palms)
Use Category | Use Sub Category | Plant Part | Human Group | Ethnic Group | Country | Utensils and Tools | Domestic | Petiole | Indigenous | Shipibo-Conibo | Peru |
Utensils and Tools | Domestic | Bract | Indigenous | Shipibo-Conibo | Peru |