Geonoma Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 593 (1805)

Primary tabs


Fifty-nine or more species ranging from Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia. (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A


  • The reduction of two locules in the gynoecium makes this, the largest genus in the tribe, immediately distinct from the other genera. Sometimes a definite ‘upper lip’ on the pit-closing bracts is lacking. (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A


  • Extremely variable genus of mostly rather small solitary or clustering palms from rain forest in Central and South America, with distinctive anthers with divergent thecae. (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A

Biology And Ecology

  • All species are understorey rain forest palms, occurring at low to high elevations, including some of the highest elevations recorded for palms in South America. (G. weberbaueri has been recorded at 3150 m above sea level [Henderson et al. 1995].) (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A


  • Geonomos — colonist, presumably referring to the clustering, spreading habit of many species. (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A

Common Name

  • For local names, see Glassman (1972). (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A


  • Many species are desirable ornamentals; some are also used for thatch. Young ‘cabbage’ is sometimes eaten. (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A


  • Small to moderate, solitary or clustered, unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious palms. Stem very short, subterranean, erect, or creeping, slender, sometimes tall, enclosed by thin leaf sheaths, becoming bare, usually cane-like, ringed with close or distant, conspicuous or inconspicuous leaf scars. Leaves pinnate, regularly or irregularly divided, or entire and bifid; sheath short, splitting opposite the petiole, margins fibrous, glabrous or variously tomentose; petiole short to long, slightly grooved or flattened adaxially, rounded abaxially, glabrous or tomentose; blade bifid, or with 2 or 3 pairs of leaflets, or irregularly divided, or nearly evenly pinnate, thin and papery or somewhat leathery, usually glabrous adaxially, glabrous, tomentose or with scales abaxially, especially along the main ribs, uniseriate hairs present or absent, midribs of single folds conspicuous, transverse veinlets not evident. Inflorescences solitary, interfoliar or infrafoliar, spicate, forked, or branched to 3(–4) orders, protandrous where known; peduncle very short to very long, glabrous or tomentose; prophyll tubular, short to long, pointed, very briefly 2-keeled laterally, membranous or leathery, glabrous or variously tomentose; peduncular bracts (0–)1(–2), short or long, deciduous or persistent, like the prophyll; rachillae straight or folded and twisted in bud, short to moderate, bearing rounded, truncate, or distally split, ± raised bracts, laterally adnate to the branch, decussate, spiral, or whorled and in definite rows, bracts closely appressed and the rachillae larger than the peduncle in diameter, or bracts more distant and the rachillae narrow, each bract subtending a triad of flowers sunken in a pit, pits without upper lip or upper lip distinct, glabrous or hairy, pit cavity glabrous or variously hairy; floral bracteoles 3, irregular, small, membranous. Staminate flowers about 1/2 exserted from the pit; sepals 3, distinct, chaffy, narrow, elongate, tips rounded, keeled or not; petals 3, connate for 2/3 their length, tips distinct, valvate; stamens (3) 6 (rarely more), filaments united with receptacle in a stalk-like base, connate in a tube above the base, free, narrow, flat, long or short distally, inflexed near the tip in bud, anthers borne at tips of the filaments, connective divided, thecae elongate, free and divaricate, or short and united, introrse; pistillode small, round, 3-lobed. Pollen ellipsoidal, usually with either slight or obvious asymmetry; aperture a distal sulcus; ectexine tectate, coarsely perforate or perforate and/or micro-channelled, and rugulate, aperture margin usually slightly finer; infratectum columellate; longest axis 22–48 µm [28/59]. Pistillate flowers sunken in the pit with only the tips of the floral organs exserted; sepals 3, united basally and adnate to the receptacle, often keeled, free and imbricate distally; petals 3, connate in a soft tube, briefly adnate to receptacle basally, ending in 3, valvate, chaffy, spreading lobes; staminodes united in a tube, truncate, 6-toothed or 6-lobed, lobes, if present, spreading at anthesis, tubes basally adnate to the receptacle, and sometimes also the corolla tube; gynoecium tricarpellate but 2 carpels vestigial at anthesis, unilocular, uniovulate, ovule anatropous, style tubular, lateral to basal, elongate, ending in 3 linear stigmas, recurved at anthesis. Fruit ±globose, sometimes somewhat pointed, green, brown, or purple-black, 1-seeded, stigmatic remains basal, the rachillae often becoming brightly coloured; epicarp, thin smooth, mesocarp thin, with narrow longitudinal fibres, endocarp thin, crustaceous to membranous. Seed ± globose, hilum short, basal, raphe encircling the seed, endosperm homogeneous; embryo erect basal. Germination adjacent-ligular; eophyll bifid. Cytology: 2n = 28. (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A


  • Leaf (Tomlinson 1961, Roth 1990), root (Seubert 1998a, 1998b), floral (Uhl and Moore 1971, Stauffer and Endress 2003), and leaf and fruit (Wessels Boer 1968). (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A

Fossil record

  • Pinnate leaf material (Phoenicites/Geonomites/ Hemiphoenicites) from the Tertiary of Italy (Verona) was first described by de Visiani (1864); the genus has since been sunk into the synonomy of the redefined Phoenicites of Read and Hickey (1972). Other records of Geonomites include that of Berry (1924): G. claibornensis from the Middle Eocene Claiborne Flora of southeastern North America. Whether the fossil genus has any affinity with extant Geonoma seems doubtful. (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A


  • Geonoma is monophyletic with high support (Asmussen 1999a, Roncal et al. 2005). The genus is resolved as sister to a clade of Calyptronoma and Calyptrogyne with low support (Asmussen et al. 2006) or as sister to Asterogyne also with low support (Baker et al. in review). (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A

Taxonomic accounts

  • Wessels Boer (1968); see also Henderson et al. (1995). (Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms)A

Use Record

  • Geonoma Willd.: (...) provides the traditional Waorani thatch. (Davis, E.W., and J.A. Yost 1983: The ethnobotany of the Waorani of eastern Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    CulturalPersonal adornmentSeedsIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsHunting and fishingStemIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: (...) supplies leaves for wrapping food; the seeds provide material for beads. (Davis, E.W., and J.A. Yost 1983: The ethnobotany of the Waorani of eastern Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    CulturalPersonal adornmentSeedsIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsHunting and fishingStemIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Coaiqueres. Leaves used to wrap food. (Barfod, A. & H. Balslev 1988: The use of palms by the Cayapas and Coaiqueres on the Coastal plain of Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsWrappersEntire leafIndigenousAwáEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Construcción de casas. (Albán, J. 1994: La mujer y las plantas útiles silvestres en la comunidad Cocama-Cocamilla de los ríos Samiria y Marañon.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionHousesNot specifiedIndigenousCocamaPeru
    ConstructionHousesNot specifiedIndigenousCocamaPeru
  • Geonoma Willd.: Construcción de casas. (Albán, J. 1994: La mujer y las plantas útiles silvestres en la comunidad Cocama-Cocamilla de los ríos Samiria y Marañon.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionHousesNot specifiedIndigenousCocamaPeru
    ConstructionHousesNot specifiedIndigenousCocamaPeru
  • Geonoma Willd.: Construcción de viviendas. (Huertas, B. 2007: Nuestro territorio Kampu Piyawi (Shawi))
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionHousesNot specifiedIndigenousShawiPeru
  • Geonoma Willd.: Construction. (…). Other trees used as natural bait include (…) a variety of palms (Geonoma and Wettinia). (…). Floors are made of split-trunk slats (or hand-sawn boards) taken from a variety of palms, depending upon elevation. In the higher elevation gualte (Geonoma) is preferred, while in the lower elevations barrigonas ( Catoblastus, Wettinia, Socratea, and Bactris) are common. (Orejuela, J.E. 1992: Traditional productive systems of the Awa (Cuaiquer) indians of soutwestern Colombia and neighboring Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousAwáColombia
    Animal FoodWildlife attractantFruitsIndigenousAwáColombia
  • Geonoma Willd.: Da frutos como los de la sisimur (ver), que también come la pava de monte. El tallo de la palma es cuadrado, acanalado y rojozo oscuro, ésta se utilizaba para techar las casas. (...). El tronco se utiliza para leña. (Cayón, E., and S. Aristizábal 1980: Lista de plantas utilizadas por los indígenas Chami de Risaralda)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousEmberáColombia
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousEmberáColombia
  • Geonoma Willd.: De la fruta se extrae una leche con la que se hace una bebida, el tronco se usa para hacer el palo de escoba, la madera se usa en construcción y el fruto es alimento de animales (tatabra o sahino, guanta) y así los Chachi aprovechan y los cazan cuando estos se alimentan. (Marchan, N. 2001: Etnobotánica cuantitativa de una comunidad Chachi de la Provincia de Esmeraldas, Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticStemIndigenousCayapaEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticStemIndigenousCayapaEcuador
    Human FoodBeveragesFruitsIndigenousCayapaEcuador
    Animal FoodWildlife attractantFruitsIndigenousCayapaEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: El fruto es comestible. La hoja se emplea para techar. (Guallart, J.M. 1968: Nomenclatura Jibaro-Aguaruna de Palmeras en el Distrito de Cenepa.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousAguarunaPeru
    Human FoodFoodFruitsIndigenousAguarunaPeru
    ConstructionHousesEntire leafIndigenousAguarunaPeru
  • Geonoma Willd.: Es ucsha panga, la hoja se usa para fumar cuando se sale de cacería. (Ponce, M. 1992: Etnobotánica de palmas de Jatun Sacha)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousQuichuaEcuador
    CulturalRecreationalEntire leafIndigenousQuichuaEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Hay varias especies, casi todas ella utilizadas en la construcción de techados. (…). Producto comercializable. (…). Hay cuatro tipos distintos de techado que difieren en las palmas empleadas, durabilidad y tiempo de preparación. (…). El método más sencillo consiste en utilizar plantas enteras de jatata, atando las hojas en manojos. Varios de estos manojos se atan a las vigas del techo (que son frecuentemente troncos de asaí) con fibra de árbol. Estos techados son de naturaleza provisional y se usan sólo cuando no hace falta un techo totalmente impermeable, por ejemplo, en refugios para el ganado. (…). (Proctor, P., J. Pelham, B. Baum, C. Ely, M.A. Rogríguez-Girones 1992: Expedición de la Universidad de Oxford a Bolivia. Investigación etnobotánica de las Palmae en el noroeste del departamento de Pando. 25 junio-7 de septiembre de 1992. Informe final: Sección B.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafNot identifiedN/ABolivia
  • Geonoma Willd.: It is used to imporvise hunting and war spears. (Davis, E.W., and J.A. Yost 1983: The ethnobotany of the Waorani of eastern Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsHunting and fishingStemIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
    CulturalPersonal adornmentSeedsIndigenousHuaoraniEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Las hojas las utilizaban para techar el tambo. (Cayón, E., and S. Aristizábal 1980: Lista de plantas utilizadas por los indígenas Chami de Risaralda)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousEmberáColombia
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousEmberáColombia
  • Geonoma Willd.: Las hojas se usan para techar viviendas; cuando llueve se usa las hojas como paraguas; también para hacer paquetes y trasladar carne cazada; cortezas o troncos de tallos de uso medicinal desde el bosque a las casas. (Cerón, C.E., C.G. Montalvo, J. Umenda et al. 1994: Etnobotánica y notas sobre la diversidad vegetal en la comunidad Cofán de Sinangüé, Sucumbíos, Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsWrappersEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Las hojas se usan para techar, cuando llueve en el bosque se amarra las hojas al tronco de un árbol y se escampa. (Cerón, C.E., C.G. Montalvo, J. Umenda et al. 1994: Etnobotánica y notas sobre la diversidad vegetal en la comunidad Cofán de Sinangüé, Sucumbíos, Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsWrappersEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticEntire leafIndigenousCofánEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Leaves are used fro thatch. (Vickers, W.T., and T. Plowman 1984: Useful plants of the Siona and Secoya indians of Eastern Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousSiona-SecoyaEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Leaves used as thatch for roofs of Indian houses ( Scheelea sp., Geonoma spp., Phytelephas microcarpa, Iriartea deltoidea, Socratea exorrhiza, Welfia georgii, Catoblastus aequalis). (…). (…) Leaves used for wrapping and covering (Geonoma ssp.). (…). Fresh fruits edible (Bactris sp., Phytelephas microcarpa, Ammandra sp., Palandra aequatorialis, Aiphanes caryotaefolia, Aiphanes eggersii, Astrocaryum murumuru, Astrocaryum chambira, Astrocaryum standleyanum, Desmoncus sp., Geonoma sp.). (…). Dyes for textiles ( Synecanthus warscewiczianus, Chamaedorea sp. Geonoma sp.). (Balslev, H., and A. Barfod 1987: Ecuadorean palms- an overview)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousNot specifiedEcuador
    CulturalDyesEntire leafIndigenousTsáchilaEcuador
    Utensils and ToolsWrappersEntire leafIndigenousNot specifiedEcuador
    Human FoodFoodFruitsIndigenousNot specifiedEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: On top of the roof structure entire leaves of various palm species or panels composed of Geonoma spp. Are put in an imbricate manner. (Thomas, E. 2008: Quantitative Ethnobotanical Research on Knowledge and Use of Plants for Livelihood among Quechua, Yuracaré and Trinitario Communities in the Andes and Amazon Regions of Bolivia.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousYuracaré/TrinitarioBolivia
  • Geonoma Willd.: Roofing material. (López-Parodi, J. 1988: The use of palms and other native plants in non-conventional, low cost rural housing in the Peruvian Amazon)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafMestizoN/APeru
  • Geonoma Willd.: Se le dice en quichua macana panca, las hojas son utilizadas para tejer el techo de las casas. (Ponce, M. 1992: Etnobotánica de palmas de Jatun Sacha)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    CulturalRecreationalEntire leafIndigenousQuichuaEcuador
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousQuichuaEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Se utiliza para tejer/entechar, para estantilla y para trampa. Tambien sirve para tapaje en quebradas y sal vegetal para el ambíl. (Kronik, J. et al. 1999: Fééjahisuu. Palmas de los Nietos de la Tierra y Montaña Verde del Centro)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    CulturalRecreationalNot specifiedIndigenousMuinaneColombia
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticNot specifiedIndigenousMuinaneColombia
    Utensils and ToolsHunting and fishingNot specifiedIndigenousMuinaneColombia
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousMuinaneColombia
  • Geonoma Willd.: Solo se usan las hojas de esta palma. Luego de ser cosechadas por los expertos para tejer los techos de las casas tradicionales quichua y shuar. (Gomez, D., L. Lebrun, N. Paymal, and A. Soldi 1996: Palmas útiles en la provincia de Pastaza. Amazonia ecuatoriana. Manual práctico)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousShuarEcuador
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousQuichuaEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Techado de viviendas. (Román, F.J. 2002: Especies forestales utilizadas en la construcción de la vivienda tradicional asháninka en el ámbito del Río Perené (Junín, Perú))
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousAsháninkaPeru
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousAsháninkaPeru
  • Geonoma Willd.: Techado de viviendas. (Román, F.J. 2002: Especies forestales utilizadas en la construcción de la vivienda tradicional asháninka en el ámbito del Río Perené (Junín, Perú))
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousAsháninkaPeru
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousAsháninkaPeru
  • Geonoma Willd.: Thatch (1) (Byg, A. and H. Balslev 2004: Factors affecting local knowledge of palms in Nangaritza valley, Southeastern Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafNot identifiedN/AEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: Thatching. (…). The leaves of several species of "palmiche" (Geonoma spp., Mejia 0003, 0101 and 0104) are occasionally used for roofing, and in one village, the use of Hyospathe sp. (Mejia 0088) or "palmichillo" was also observed. (Mejía, K. 1992: Las palmeras en los mercados de Iquitos)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafMestizoN/APeru
  • Geonoma Willd.: The durable leaves are used to thatch houses. (Bennett, B.C., M.A. Baker, and P. Gómez-Andrade 2002: Ethnobotany of the Shuar of Eastern Ecuador)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    ConstructionThatchEntire leafIndigenousShuarEcuador
  • Geonoma Willd.: The fruits, the size of small beads, are fragant and the Secoyas use them in arm bands as perfume. (Schultes, R.E., and R.F. Raffauf 1990: The healing forest- Medicinal and toxic plants of the Northwest Amazonia)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    CulturalCosmeticsFruitsIndigenousNot specifiedColombia
  • Geonoma Willd.: Un segundo ejemplo de refinamiento lo tenemos en las especies básicas para la obtención de sal (componente básico en la preparación del tabaco líquido o ambil). (…). Luego vienen otras especies pero con espinas. Son palmas como erere, bar y komsña, jar na es la palma que más sal preduce de todas las especies. Caracterizan sus contenidos en la corteza, los cogollos y los racimos de frutas, Otras palmas reconocidas son it ma, k nena, ñek na. (…). La pepa es rica para preparar chicha y caguana, de la palma se sacan yaripa para la casa. (Garzón, C., and V. Macuritofe 1992: La noche, las plantas y sus sueños: Aproximación al conocimiento botánico en una cultura amazónica)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    CulturalRecreationalNot specifiedIndigenousHuitotoColombia
  • Taenianthera Burret: Su hoja se emplea para techar. (Guallart, J.M. 1968: Nomenclatura Jibaro-Aguaruna de Palmeras en el Distrito de Cenepa. (as Taenianthera Burret))


    A. Dransfield, J., Uhl, N., Asmussen, C., Baker, W.J., Harley, M. & Lewis, C. 2008: Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms