Pholidostachys synanthera subsp. robusta (Trail) Henderson, Phytotaxa 43: 17 (2012)

Primary tabs

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Map uses TDWG level 3 distributions (
Brazil North native (Henderson, A.J., A revision of Pholidostachys (Arecaceae) in Phytotaxa 43. 2012)A
Colombia native (Henderson, A.J., A revision of Pholidostachys (Arecaceae) in Phytotaxa 43. 2012)A
Peru native (Henderson, A.J., A revision of Pholidostachys (Arecaceae) in Phytotaxa 43. 2012)A
From 0°34N'-6°28'S and 68°46'-75°50'W in the western Amazon region of Colombia, Peru, and Brazil at 146(90-200) m elevation in lowland rainforest (Henderson, A.J., A revision of Pholidostachys (Arecaceae) in Phytotaxa 43. 2012)A


  • Stems 2.6(1.0-6.0) m long. Leaf rachises 74.1(48.0-91.0) cm long; pinnae7(4-12) per side of rachis. (Henderson, A.J., A revision of Pholidostachys (Arecaceae) in Phytotaxa 43. 2012)A


    A. Henderson, A.J., A revision of Pholidostachys (Arecaceae) in Phytotaxa 43. 2012