Euterpe luminosa A.J.Hend., Galeano & Meza, Brittonia 43: 178 (1991)

Primary tabs


Known only from the type locality in Peru (Pasco); understory of moist cloud forest bordering pajonal vegetation, characterized by its shrubby, xeromorphic composition, at 2000-2500 m. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A


  • This unusual species not only has a very narrow range (as currenlly known) but it also is unique in having ellipsoid fruits, a condition nearly unknown in both Prestoea (rarely occurring in P. acuminata var. dasystachys) and Euterpe. It is also unusual in the genus in having a pinnate eophyll with an elongate rachis, and staminodes in the pistillate flowers; both of these characters occur in Prestoea. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A

Common Name

  • Peru : guayaquil , palma palanca. The trunks are used as poles. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A


  • Stems cespitose but generally only one developed with suckers at base, erect, 5-11 m tall, 5-7 cm diam., grayish.
    Leaves 9-12, spreading; sheath 48-65 cm long, without a ligule, green, with moderate covering of woolly, reddish brown hairs apically; petiole 20-35 cm long, green (reddish, as the rachis, in young plants), densely covered on both surfaces with woolly, reddish brown hairs; rachis 1.1-1.4 m long, densely covered on both surfaces with hairs like those of petiole; pinnae 48-69 per side, almost pendulous (forming a roof shape), subopposite, glabrous, with midvein prominent adaxially and abaxially and with 2 submarginal lateral veins, the pinnae margins and veins adaxially and abaxially with scattered ramenta; basal pinna 20-25 x 0.1-0.2 cm wide; middle pinnae 35-41 x 0.6-1 cm wide; apical pinna 14-15 x 0.5 cm.
    lnflorescences infrafoliar at anthesis, erect; peduncle 4-5 cm long, 1 cm diam. at peduncular bract scar; prophyll ca. 32 cm long, ca. 3 cm diam., papyraceous, glabrous; peduncular bract 32 cm long, without an umbo, 2 cm diam. glabrous, peduncle with 2 or 3 smaller peduncular bracts present to 4 cm long; rachis 13-16 cm long; rachillae 30-40, to 30 cm long, to 2 mm diam. at anthesis, absent from adaxial surface of rachis, slightly swollen at base, each subtended by a small bracteole, sparsely to densely covered with 0.5 mm long, stellate, reddish brown hairs, these straight or slightly undulate, fasciculate; flowers in triads proximally, paired or solitary staminate distally, or occasionally inflorescence almost all staminate; triad bracteole prominent, apiculate to 1 mm long. Second and third flower bracteoles low, membranous; staminate flowers 6-7 mm long, some shortly pedicellate; sepals deltate, 2.5 mm long, briefly connate below, free distally, gibbous; petals triangular, 5 mm long; stamens arranged on a short receptacle; filaments 1.5 mm long; anthers 3 mm long; pistillode 1 mm long; pistillate flowers to 2.5 mm long; sepals very widely ovate, 2 mm long; petals very widely ovate, 2 mm long; staminodes 6, very small, digitate.
    Fruits ellipsoid, 2 cm long, 1 cm diam., the stigmatic remains prominent, subapical, with an expanded perianth to 7 mm long; epicarp black; seeds ellipsoid; endosperm homogeneous, with central air space; eophyll pinnate with an elongate rachis. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A

Materials Examined

  • PERU. PASCO: Prov. Oxapampa, Distr. Huancabamba, Cordillera Yanachaga, W slope at base of highest peaks, side rd. to NE halfway between Oxapampa and Huancabamba. ridge SE of Cooperativa 3 de Mayo, 75°26'W, 10°27'S, 2000-2500 m, 18-21 Sep 1984, R Foster et al. 11155 (F); Provo Oxapampa, Palmazú, 75°23'W, 10°32'S, 2100 m, 30 Aug 1991, Meza 837 (NY); 20 Sep 1984, D. Smith et al. 8514 (MO); 28 Sep 1984, D. Smith 8534 (MO). (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A

Use Record

  • Euterpe luminosa A.J.Hend., Galeano & Meza: El 59% de las especies (13 spp.) reportaron el uso alimenticio tanto de frutos, como de semillas, palmito u otros derivados de estos; cinco de estas especies son utilizadas exclusivamente para este fin, Allagoptera leucocalyx, Bactris hirta y B. major son buscadas solamente por sus frutos, mientras que Dictyocaryum lamarckianum y Euterpe luminosa son extraidas ocasionalmente por el palmito. (Paniagua Zambrana, N.Y. 2001: Guía de plantas útiles de la comunidad de San José de Uchupiamonas)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Human FoodFoodPalm heartNot identifiedN/ABolivia


    A. Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72