Geonoma galeanoae A.J.Hend., Phytotaxa 17: 77 (2011)

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From 5°53-6°15'N and 74°50-75°00'W on the eastern slopes of the Central Cordillera in Colombia at 830(800-860) m elevation in lowland rainforest.


  • Taxonomic notes: - Geonoma galeanoae is similar to a group of species (G. baculifera, G. calyptrogynoidea, G. concinna, G. conncinnoidea, G. congesta) in having the prophyll surfaces ridged with close, equal, parallel, non-dividing ridges. It differs from these in its locular epidermis without an operculum.
    Only three specimens are known.

    Subspecific variation: - No trait varies within this species, nor is there geographic disjunction. (Henderson, A.J. (2011) A revision of Geonoma. Phytotaxa 17: 1-271.)A


  • Plants 3.0 m tall; stems 2.0 m tall, 1.7 cm in diameter, solitary, cane-like; internodes 2.0 cm long, yellowish and smooth. Leaves 12 per stem, irregularly pinnate, not plicate, bases of blades running diagonally into the rachis; sheaths 24.0(18.0-30.0) cm long; petioles 37.0(36.0-38.0) cm long, drying green or yellowish; rachis 54.3(43.5-65.0) cm long, 4.9(4.4-5.5) mm in diameter; veins raised and rectangular in cross-section adaxially; pinnae 7(4-10) per side of rachis; basal pinna 38.0 cm long, 9.2(5.5-15.5) cm wide, forming an angle of 42(35-49)° with the rachis; apical pinna 32.8(28.5-37.0) cm long, 19.3(16.5-22.0) cm wide, forming an angle of 32(31-32)° with the rachis. Inflorescences branched 2 orders; prophylls and peduncular bracts not ribbed with elongate, unbranched fibers, deciduous; prophylls 19.5 cm long, prophylls not short and asymmetrically apiculate, the surfaces ridged with close, equal, parallel, non-dividing ridges, scarcely tomentose between the ridges, without unequally wide ridges; peduncular bracts 16.0 cm long, well-developed, inserted 0.3(0.2-0.4) cm above the prophyll; peduncles 7.4(4.8-10.3) cm long, 7.0(5.6-8.3) mm in diameter; rachillae 20, 14.6(13.2-16.0) cm long, 2.6 mm in diameter, the surfaces without spiky, fibrous projections or ridges, drying brown, with faint to pronounced, short, transverse ridges, not filiform and not narrowed between the flower pits; flower pits spirally arranged, glabrous internally; proximal lips without a central notch before anthesis, not recurved after anthesis, hood-shaped at anthesis, sometimes splitting postanthesis; proximal and distal lips drying the same color as the rachillae, not joined to form a raised cupule, the proximal lip margins overlapping the distal lip margins; distal lips well-developed; staminate and pistillate petals not emergent, not valvate throughout; staminate flowers deciduous after anthesis; stamens 6; thecae diverging at anthesis, inserted almost directly onto the filament apices, the connectives bifid but scarcely developed; anthers short and curled over at anthesis; non-fertilized pistillate flowers deciduous after anthesis; staminodial tubes crenulate or shallowly lobed at the apex, those of non-fertilized pistillate flowers notprojecting and persistent after anthesis. Fruits size no data, the bases without a prominent stipe, the apices not conical, the surfaces not splitting at maturity, without fibers emerging, bumpy from the numerous, subepidermal, tangential, short fibers present, these coming to a point at fruit apices; locular epidermis without operculum. (Henderson, A.J. (2011) A revision of Geonoma. Phytotaxa 17: 1-271.)A


    A. Henderson, A.J. (2011) A revision of Geonoma. Phytotaxa 17: 1-271.