Jailoloa Heatubun & W.J. Baker, Kew Bull. 69: 9525 (2014)

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  • Small to moderate, solitary, unarmed, pleonanthic, monoecious palm. Stem erect, slender, smooth, light brown to whitish, often grey, obscurely or conspicuously ringed with leaf node scars. Leaves pinnate, strongly arching, rather few in the crown; sheath tubular, forming well-defined crownshaft, glabrous adaxially, abaxially with sparsely to dense indumentum of brown to black irregular scales of various sizes and brown to white matted fibrous scales; petiole elongate, slender, channelled adaxially, rounded abaxially, covered with dark brown to black, thick indumentum or stellate hairs; rachis slender, arching, somewhat flat adaxially, slightly rounded abaxially, with indumentum as on petiole; leaflets regularly arranged, subopposite to alternate, near petiole long and gradually becoming shorter towards the apex, ascending, borne on adaxial surface of rachis, forming an acute angle, single-fold with inconspicuous main vein, stiff, leathery, slightly discolorous when dried, light brown adaxially, paler abaxially, conspicuous large brown ramenta on abaxial veins, basal leaflets lanceolate, acuminate tip with pendulous remains of the rein, middle leaflets elongate, lanceolate, tip truncate, praemorse, apical leaflets somewhat elongate, paired or solitary, tip truncate, praemorse. Inflorescence infrafoliar, protandrous, branching to 3 orders, divaricate, somewhat deflexed at anthesis; peduncle slender, elongate, elliptical in cross section, shorter than rachis, dark purple to light orange with numerous minute purple-brown indument; prophyll caducous, lanceolate, 2-keeled, leathery, cream to light brown, entirely enclosing the inflorescence, then splitting longitudinally when inflorescence expanding and still enclosed with peduncular bract, and falling before anthesis; first peduncular bract, elongate, 2- keeled, leathery, cream to light brown, with abundant, minute, purple, dot-like scales scattered on surface; remaining peduncular bracts and rachis bracts reduced, inconspicuous stubs or sometimes triangular, very low; rachis purple to light orange; the basalmost primary branch relatively long, branched to few second orders branches and then narrowly to widely spaced rachillae; rachillae numerous, sinuous, glabrous, elongate, floral triads sparsely arranged. Staminate flowers very small, elongate, bullet-shaped, somewhat asymmetric, purple; sepals 3, imbricate, keeled, rounded; petals 3, valvate, elliptic, tip slightly rounded, thick and fleshy, somewhat striate, purple with cream tinge at the tip; stamens numerous, up to 16, variable in length, filaments dark brown, inflexed; anthers somewhat sagittate, cream-coloured, longer than the filaments; pistillode almost equal in height to the stamens, lageniform with an elongate, filamentous stylar section, sometimes inconspicuous, lobed at apex, cream. Pistillate flowers slightly larger than the staminate, ellipsoid, purple, with conspicuous white stigma at anthesis; sepals 3, strongly imbricate, keeled, rounded, somewhat asymmetrical, thicker at the base, purple with white line along the margin; petals 3, strongly imbricate, elliptic, purple with a thin line along the margin, somewhat striate; gynoecium ellipsoidal, purple, stigma trifid, white at anthesis; staminodes inconspicuous; ovule basal. Fruit ellipsoidal, somewhat beaked, stigmatic remains apical, persistent,black, perianth persistent; epicarp smooth, shiny, very thin, purple and becoming bright yellow or light orange when mature; mesocarp fibrous, fleshy, mucilaginous and tanniniferous; endocarp thin, cartilaginous, fragile, terete, lacking any grooves or angles, straw-coloured with broad, flat adherent fibres, anastomosing towards the apex; seed somewhat ellipsoidal, without any grooves or angles, rounded in cross-section; hilum elliptical, elongate, stretching from base to apex; raphe branches anastomosing; endosperm deeply ruminate; embryo basal. (C.D. Heatubun, Zona, S. & Baker, W.J. 2014: Three new genera of arecoid palm (Arecaceae) from eastern Malesia. – In: Kew Bulletin 69)A


    A. C.D. Heatubun, Zona, S. & Baker, W.J. 2014: Three new genera of arecoid palm (Arecaceae) from eastern Malesia. – In: Kew Bulletin 69