Pinanga sobolifera Fernando, Kew Bull. 49: 782 (1994)

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Luzon (Quezon Prov.) (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • This species is similar to P. heterophylla in the clustering habit and size and in the spirally arranged flowers and fruits. It is, however, recognizable in producing runner shoots or stolons, in having more rachillae (8 - 11) in the inflorescence, in the seed caudiculate at the base, and in the more regularly arranged leaflets. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • P. heterophylla Becc. habitu caespitoso, magnitudine et floribus fructibusque spiraliter dispositis similis sed caudicibus stolonibus instructis, rachillis inflorescentiae numerosioribus (8- 11), semine basi caudiculato et foliolis magis regulatim dispositis differt. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A

Biology And Ecology

  • In dipterocarp forest; c. 800 m. Endemic. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • Clustering slender unarmed pleonanthic monoecious undergrowth palm, to 2 m tall. Stem to 2.5 cm diam., internodes to 5-10 cm long; runner shoots or stolons produced at base of stem. Crownshaft elongate, cylindrical, slightly swollen, to 35 cm long. Leaves to 5 in crown; leaf sheath c. 30 cm long; leaf without sheath to 1.1 m long; petiole c. 8 x 0.8 cm, channelled adaxially, rounded abaxially. Leaflets 10-13 on each side of the rachis, regularly arranged to 6-7 cm apart; basal leaflets 1-2-costate, c. 24 x 1.5 cm, sigmoidal, the apex long-acuminate; middle leaflets 2-costate, c. 45-55 x 2.7 cm, ± straight, lanceolate, the apex long-acuminate; terminal leaflets to 8-costate, c. 34 x 5.7 cm, joined at the base to 18 cm along the rachis. Inflorescence infrafoliar, pendulous; prophyll elliptic-ensiform, 2-keeled, c. 10 x 4.5 cm; peduncle 2.7 x 0.5 cm, flattened, greenish when fresh; rachillae 8- 11, borne 1 cm apart, each to 17 cm long, angular, 2 mm thick, greenish as peduncle; the subtending bract narrowly annular, apiculate in the middle part; triads borne spirally in 3 series along the rachilla. Staminate flower triangular, trigonous, asymmetrical, 5 x 3.5 mm; sepals 3, triangular, acuminate, 2 x 1 mm; petals 3, unequal, valvate, triangular or ovate-lanceolate, 4 x 3 mm; stamens about 9-12; anthers basifixed, 2 x 1 mm; filaments 0.5 mm long. Pistillate flower depressed-globose, 2 x 2.5 mm, sepals ± as long as the petals; sepals 3, free, imbricate, 1 mm high, ± narrower than the sepals and more cucullate, ciliolate along the margins; ovary shortly oblong 1.5 x 1 mm, tipped with an irregularly-lobed stigma. Fruiting perianth depressed-cupular, 2 mm high, 3 mm across, with a flat base and contracted mouth, the sepals and petals free and imbricate, subequal, glabrous; the subtending bract a very low explanate annular collar. Fruits spirally arranged along the rachilla, c. 5 mm apart, ripening pinkish then purplish-black, ellipsoid-ovoid, c. 1.2 x 0.8 cm, shortly beaked; epicarp drying light brown and finely striate; mesocarp thinly fibrous; seed ovoid, 1 x 0.7 cm, acute at tip, caudiculate at base; endosperm ruminate; embryo basal. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A

Materials Examined

  • LUZON. Quezon Prov., Nakar, Sierra Madre Mountains, Sitio Sablang, Fernando 518 (holotype LBC; isotypes K, PNH), and 709 (K, LBC). (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


    A. Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines