Pinanga kontumensis A.J.Hend., N.K.Ban & N.Q.Dung, Palms (1999+). 52: 68 (2008)

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Endemic to southcentral Vietnam in Kon Tum. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A


  • Similar to Pinanga cupularis in its small size, spicate inflorescences and homogeneous endosperm but differing in its erect (versus pendulous) inflorescences and free and imbricate (versus cupular) pistillate perianth. It differs from other Vietnamese Pinanga in its widely spreading (versus closely imbricate) pistillate perianth. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A


  • A P. cupulari inflorescentiis erectis atque perianthio florum pistillatorum libero imbricato late patenti differt. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A

Biology And Ecology

  • In primary, evergreen, broad-leafed forest on steep slopes on sandstone and gneiss at 1000-1200 m elevation. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A


  • Palm to 3 m tall. Stems 0.7 cm diameter, height and branching unknown, densely covered with reddish-brown scales. Sheaths closed, forming crownshafts, 7.5-8.5 cm long, densely covered with reddish-brown scales; ocreas 3 mm long; petioles 2-3.5 cm long, scaly as the sheaths; rachis 14.5-23.5 cm long; pinnae 3 per side of rachis, falcate, not contracted at the bases, middle pinna 15-18 cm long, 5.5-6 cm wide at the middle, apical pinna 5.5-7 cm long, 3-4 cm wide at the middle, praemorse; veins prominent and raised adaxially. Inflorescences infrafoliar, erect; peduncles 2-3 cm long, 0.2 cm wide; prophylls not known; rachis absent; rachilla 1, 9-10.5 cm long, ± rectangular in cross-section, glabrous; triads distichously arranged; staminate flowers not known; pistillate flowers (post-anthesis) 3 mm high; sepals 3, 2 mm long, widely spreading, not closely imbricate, not acuminate, minutely ciliate; petals 3, 3 mm long, widely spreading, not closely imbricate, acuminate, minutely ciliate; immature fruits 1.5 cm long, 0.4 cm diameter, ellipsoid, slightly curved, white or yellowish; endosperm homogeneous. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A

Materials Examined

  • Additional specimens examined. VIETNAM. KON TUM: Kong Plong District, Hieu Commune, Mang La Forest Enterprise, 14º39'N, 108º25'E, 1000-1200 m, 1 Mar 2000, Harder et al. 4628 (MO); Kon Plong District, Mang Canh Commune, 23 Nov 1978, T.A. Ly 664 (HN). (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A


    A. Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69