Taxonomic notes: - Geonoma monospatha is a member of the G. cuneata clade, within which it belongs to a group of four Central American species, including G. brenesii, G. hugonis, and G. epetiolata. They all have unbranched or few-branched inflorescences and share the character state of the staminodial tubes being lobed at the apex, but the lobes are not spreading at anthesis and are not acuminate. Geonoma monospatha differs from other species in this group by its vestigial peduncular bract and its flattened prophylls and peduncular bracts which are not ribbed with elongate, unbranched fibers.
Subspecific variation: - Three traits (stem branching, leaf division, inflorescence branching) vary within this species. Specimens come from several separate areas but there are too few specimens to test for differences, and the gaps may be artifacts caused by incomplete collecting. The Costa Rican specimens have smaller leaves and inflorescences and come from higher mean elevations (1750 m versus 837 m).
(Henderson, A.J. (2011) A revision of Geonoma. Phytotaxa 17: 1-271.)