? Ceroxylon interruptum (H.Karst.) H.Wendl., Bonplandia (Hannover) 8: 70 (1860)

Primary tabs

Placement status: name or taxon excluded (unspecific)
no image available


  • Doubtful name/excluded taxon.

    Karsten's description is very crude and the species was not associated with a specific locality, or a specimen. In the Leningrad Herbarium (LE), where Karsten's material was deposited, no specimens were found that could be used as a lectotype (Imchanitzkaya 1987). (Maria Jose Sanin & Gloria Geleano in Phytotaxa 34 (2011))A


    A. Maria Jose Sanin & Gloria Geleano in Phytotaxa 34 (2011)