Euterpe precatoria var. longivaginata (Mart.) A.J.Hend., Palms Amazon : 111 (1995)

Primary tabs

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Low to high elevations in the Andes and Central America.
Distribution in Ecuador. Plants from W Ecuador and the Andes belong to this variety. (Borchsenius F., Borgtoft-Pedersen H. and Baslev H. 1998. Manual to the Palms of Ecuador. AAU Reports 37. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Catalica del Ecuador)A

Central America in Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, and Colombia (Antioquia, Boyaca, Chocó, La Guajira, Santander del Sur, Tolima, Valle), Venezuela (Barinas, Carobobo, Falcón , Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Táchira, Yaracuy, Zulia), Ecuador (El Oro, Esmeraldas, Zamora-Chinchipe), Peru (Amazonas, Huánuco, Madre de Dios, San Martín), Brazil (Acre), and Bolivia (Cochabamba, La Paz); forested arcas on mountain slopes and ridges, or in lowland areas, at 0-2000 m. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)B


  • The type of Euterpe longevaginata has not been located at P, but may be mislaid rather than destroyed. For this reason we have not chosen a neotype. This name is interpreted from the original description and from more-recent collections from the type locality. Types of two other names, Euterpe karsteniana and Euterpe leucospadix, have also not been located. These, too, are interpreted from the original descriptions and from more-recent collections from the type localities. We are thus confident of their inclusion here. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)B

Common Name

  • Belize; mountain cabbage; Colombia: hicara, manaca, palmicho; Costa Rica: caña lucia; Ecuador: palmbil; Panama: palmita. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)B


  • The palm heart is occasionally eaten. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)B


  • Stems relatively short, solitary or clustered. Leaf rachis covered with small brown to black scales on the lower surface; pinnae moderately pendulous, 2-3 cm wide, with 2 major veins on each side of the mid-rib. (Borchsenius F., Borgtoft-Pedersen H. and Baslev H. 1998. Manual to the Palms of Ecuador. AAU Reports 37. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Catalica del Ecuador)A
  • Stems solitary or cespitose.
    Leaves 5-10(-20); sheath 0.5- 1.6 m long; petiole (0-)12-49 cm long; rachis 1.6-2.7 cm long; pinnae 48-73 per side, with prominent mid vein and 1-2 lateral veins on either side; basal pinna 46-70 x 0.5-1 cm; middle pinnae 68-76 x 2-3 cm; apical pinna 18-32 x 1-2 cm.
    Inflorescences infrafoliar; peduncle 4-13 cm long; prophyll 22-53 cm long; peduncular bract 23-80 cm long; rachis (8-)20-55 cm long; rachillae 24-99, basal rachillae 16-70 cm long, apical ones 18-58 cm long, 3-4 mm diam. at anthesis, 3-4 mm diam. in fruit, brownish, densely covered with 0.1 mm long, stiff, stellate hairs; staminate sepals not densely pilose abaxially, drying brown; pistillate sepals not densely pilose abaxially, drying brown.
    Fruits globose, 0.9- 1.1 cm diam. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)B

Materials Examined

  • BELIZE. STANN CREEK: Jaguar Reserve, 16°45'N, 88°35'W, 400 m, 23 May 1990, Bolick et al. 2689 (NY); Big Creek area, Mullins River rd., 8 Feb 1955, Gentle 8585 (NY).
    TOLEDO: Beyond Union Camp and Columbia, Edwards rd ., 8 Mar 1948, Gentle 6462 (NY).
    GUATEMALA. ALTA VERAPAZ: Sepacuité, 15 Apr 1904, Cook & Doyle 14 (US); between Sepacuité and Panzos, 17 Apr 1904, Cook & Doyle 37 (US); 8 May 1904, Cook & Doyle 151 (US); 15 May 1904, Cook & Doyle 176 (US).
    IZABAL: Sierra del Mico, between Los Amates and Izabal, 26 Feb 1908, Kellerman 7175 (US).
    NICARAGUA. RIO SAN JUAN: La Palma, 11°02'N, 84°24'W, 40-60 m, 30 Nov-2 Dec 1984, Stevens 23477 (US).
    ZELAYA: Silico Creek nr. Pearl Lagoon, 28 Feb 1952, Allen 6529 (F); rd. to Mina Nueva America, ca. 14 .3 km N of El Empalme, 27 Apr 1978, Stevens 8385 (NY, US).
    COSTA RICA. COCOS ISLAND: 80-100 m, 9 Mar 1964, Fournier 338 (MO); 1905-1906, Stewart 273 (GH); Dec 1939, Valerio 1088 (MO).
    HEREDIA: Between Chilomate and La Virgen, valley of Río Sarapiquí, 160 m, 25 Mar 1953, Moore 6593 (NY).
    LIMON: Cerro Coronel, E of Laguna Danto, 10°41 'N, 83°38'W, 20-170 m, 16-23 Jan 1986, Stevens 23799 (US); 15- 20 Sep 1986, Stevens 24560 (NY).
    PUNTARENAS: 1 mi SW of Cañas Gordas, 1150 m, 26-27 Feb 1973, Liesner 245 (MO).
    PANAMA, COCLE: EI Valle de Antón, La Mesa above El Valle, 08°37'N, 80°06'W, 900 m, 25 Nov 1985, de Nevers et al. 6327 (NY); 25 Nov 1985, de Nevers el al. 6350 (NY).
    COLÓN: Sta. Rita ridge, 16 Aug 1968, Correa et al. 981 (MO); 8 Apr 1971, Croat 14132 (MO, US); trail from Alto Pacora to Cerro Brewster, 09°18'N, 79°16'W, 700 m, 18 Nov 1985, de Nevers et al. 6224 (NY); Sta. Rita Ridge, km 17,450 m, 14 Mar 1975, Mori & Kallunki 5051 (MO, NY).
    CANAL AREA: Agua Salud, 13 Jul 1923, Cook & Martin 59 (US).
    CHIRIQUI: Fortuna Dam nr. Continental Divide, 22 Sep 1984, Churchill 6268 (NY).
    DARIEN: Cana, 500-600 m, 261 Jul 1976, Croat 37635 (MO); Río Uriti, n.d., Duke & Bristan 217 (MO, US).
    PANAMA: Cerro Azul, 23 Jun 1972, Croat 17274 (MO); El Lano-Carti rd .. 12 mi from Panamerican Hwy., 13 Mar 1973, Croat 22845 (MO, US); El Lano-Cartí rd., km 12, 1 Aug 1974, Croal 26037 (MO); 8.2 mi on El Llano-Cartí rd., 09°14'N, 79°W, 450 m, 6 Jul 1982, Knapp 5919 (MO, NY); Rancho Chorro, above Torti Arriba, 400-700 m, 3 Dec 1977, Folsom et al. 6664 (MO); Cerro Jefe, 1 km beyond tower, 12 Jan 1985, Henderson 86 (NY); 11 Jan 1981, Read et al.8143 (US); 30 Sep 1984, Read et al. 8480 (US); rd. to Cerro Jefe at turnoff to Alto Pacora, ca. 800 m, 5 Dec 1987. Henderson & Herrera 703 (NY).
    SAN BLAS: Between Rio Cangandi and Rio Nergala, 09°24'N, 79°24'W, 100m, 18 May 1985, de Nevers et al. 5741 (NY); El Llano-Cartí rd., km 19.1, 09°19'N, 78°55'W, 350 m, 10 Feb 1985, de Nevers & Cavagnaro 4793 (NY); 14 Jun 1985, de Nevers & Herrera 5872 (NY).
    COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: Trail between Alhibes and Providencia, 1 km E of Río Anorí, 28 km SW of Zaragoza, 400-700 m, 23 Feb 1977, Alverson er 01.82 (COL, NY); rd. from Medellín to San Rafael, Río Guatapé, ca. 1200 m, 15 May 1980, R. Bernal & Galeano 187 (COL, NY); Mpio Frontino, Murrí, rd. from Nutibara to La Blanquita, Río Cuevas, 950 m, 18 Mar 1982, R. Bernal & Galeano 253 (COL); 23 Mar 1984, R. Bernal & Galeano 303 (COL); Mpio. Frontino, Parque Nacional Natural de las Orquídeas, Río Vénados, 20 Jun 1982, R. Bernal & Galeano 360 (COL); Mpio. Frontino, rd. to Nutibara, valley of Río Musinga, 1200 m, 1 Jul 1983, R. Bernal et al. 630 (COL, NY); Mpio. Yolombó, Vereda El Bote, 8 km SW of Yolombó, 06°32'N, 75°01'W, 1550 m, 1 Jul 1989, Callejas 7963 (COL, HUA, NY); Mpio. San Carlos, Corregimiento Alto Samaná. Veredas El Silencio-Jardín, rd. from Samaná to Miraflores, 06°10'N, 74°50'W, 600-800 m, 24 Oct 1989 Callejas et al. 8529 (NY); Mpio. San Luis, Rio Claro 425-500 m, 05°53'N, 74°39'W, 1 Dec 1983, Cogelho 991(COL, HUA); Mpio. Guatapé, Sta. Rita, 1900 m, 16 Aug 1980, Galeano & R. Bernal 235 (COL); Mpio. Amalfi, rd. to Guayabalito, 1975 m, 27 Feb 1990, Galeano & Henderson 1955 (NY); rd. from Medellin to Bogola, Rio Samaná- Río Claro, San Luis, 1000 m, 21 Mar 1982, Hernández et al. 317 (COL); 450 m, 21 Aug 1982, Hemández & Hoyos 443 OL, HUA, JAUM); Río Medellín, Porcesito, 1100 m, 19 May 1946, Hodge 6862 (GH).
    BOYACA: Pauna to Otro Mundo, 1250 rn, 16 Oct 1967, R. Jaramillo et al. 3673 (COL); Mpio. Gómez Plata, 28 Sep 1940, Ranghel-Galindo 26 (COL).
    CHOCO: Mpio. El Carmen, El Nueve, rd. from Medellín to Quibdó, kim 132, 1300 m, 13 Jan 1980, R. Bernal & Galeano 110 (COL, NY); Mpio. El Carmen, rd. from Medellín to Quibdó, km 149. Río Atrato, 700 m, Jan 1980, R. Bernal & Galeano 118 (COL); Quibdó-Yuto rd., ca. 11-12 km S of Quibdó, 8 Jul 1986, R. Bernal et al. 1089 (NY); Mpio. Quibdó, San Francisco de Icho, Río Icho, 150 m, Galeano & R. Bernal 392 (COL); Quibdó-Yuto rd., 18, Jan 1979, Gentry & Rentería 24362 (MO); Quibdó, 60 m, 20 Apr 1982, Idrobo 11203 (COL); 2 km from Las Animas on rd. to Quibdó, ca. 05°04'N, 76°47'W, 14 Jun 1985, S. 19 King et al. 659 (NY); Alto Río Bauudó, Quebrada de Condoto, 10 Jun 1985, La Rotta 703 (COL).
    LA GUAJIRA: Rd. from Mingueo 10 San Antonio de Pueblo Viejo, S of Mingueo in Cordillera de Sta. Marta, ca. 11°09'N, 73°30'W, (500-1000 m, 2 Jul 1984, Gentry & Cuadras 47554 (NY); (C Santa Marta, n.d ., H. Smith 2478 (GH, NY).
    MAGDALENA: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, n.d., Purdie s.n. (K).
    NORTE DE SANTANDER: Sarare, Rio Cubugón, El Indio, 420-480 m, 13 Nov 1941, Cuatrecasas 13125 (COL); Sarare, Río Cubugón, Quebrada de Gibraltar, 320 m, 16 Nov 1941, Cuatrecasas 13226 (COL); Bellavista on pipeline, 800 m, 14 Sep 1946, M. Foster 1667 (COL, CH).
    SANTANDER DEL SUR: Mpio. Rio Negro, San Rafael, 200 m, 9 Dec 1986, Galeano et al. 1240(NY); 10 Dec 1986, Galeano et al. 1256 (COL).
    TOUMA: Falán, Calamonte, 11 20 m, 7 Oct 1939, García-Barriga 8353 (COL).
    VALLE: Cordillera Occidental , Río Digua basin, Piedra de Moler, 900-1130 m, 19-28 Aug 1943, Cuatrecasas 15040 (COL); Bahía de Buenaventura, Quebrada de San Joaquín. 0-10 m, 21 Feb 1946, Cuatrecasas 19929 (COL); Mpio. Zarzal. Corozal-Taguales, 1000 m, 11 Dec 1987, Devia & Prado 2066 (COL); Bajo Calima, rd. to Juanchaco Palmeras, 03°55'N. 77°02'W, 50 m, 12 Jul 1984, Gentry et al. 47982 (NY); 19 Jul 1984, Gentry et al. 48325 (NY); La Fonda. Río Melendez, nr. Cali, 1260 m, 28 Nov 1974, Moore & Paliño 10209 (BH, COL, K); km 23 on rd. from Cali to Bucnaventura, Córdoba, 3 Jun 1982, Murphy & Mazuera 538 (COL).
    VENEZUELA. BARINAS: Rd. Barinas-San Cristóbal and Río Bumbún, ca. 08°13'N. 70°44'W, ca. 250 m, 16 Jun 1967, Wessels Boer 1858 (NY); 16 Jun 1967, Wessels Boer 1865 (NY).
    CARABOBO: Depto. Bejuma, Mpio. Canoabo, Campamento Palmichal, 1000 m, 24 Nov 1988, Cuello & Aymard 255 (NY).
    DISTRITO FEDERAL: Cerro Avila, San José del Avila, 23 Jul 1977, Braun s.n. (MO).
    FALCON: Cerro Santa Ana, Paraguaná Peninsula, 700 m, 13 Apr 1917, Curran & Haman 694 (G H).
    LARA: Fila de Terepaima, 21-23 km S ofCabudare, 1300-1460 m, 4 Aug 1970, Steyermark et al. 103363 (MO).
    MIRANDA: Los Cuayabitos, SE of Baruta, 1400 m, 11 Oct 1963, Steyermark 91643 (NY); 11 Oct 1963, Steyermark 91661 (NY); S of Santa Cruz, 10°09'N, 65°48'W, 20, 22-23 Mar 1978, Steyermark & Davidse 16651 (MO).
    MONAGAS: Dist. Caripe, Yucucual, 850 m, 5 Jan 1988, Bosque Y-SNI (NY).
    TACHIRA: Dist. Uribante, La Idea, ca. 07°50'N, 71°45'W, 1300-1400 m, 25 Jun 1990, Dorr & Barnell 7188 (NY); Rio San Buena, 10 km W of La Fundación, 07°47'N, 71°46'W, 700-1000 m, 13-15 Mar 1980, Liesner et al. 9551 (MO, NY); SE slopes of Cuchilla La Pabellana. W of San Joaquina de Navay, 07°37'N, 71°47'W, 250-350 m, 6 Nov 1979, Steyermark et al. 119437 (MO, NY); nr. San Juan de Colón, Quebrada La Blanca, 08°06'N, 72°15'W, 750-800 m, 20 Jun 1967, Wessels Boer 1868 (NY).
    YARACUY: Sierra de Aroa, Cerro Tigre, ridge W of Río Carabobo, 10 km E of Aroa, l0°26'N, 68°49'W, 1000 m, 3 Apr 1980, Liesner & González 9974 (MO, NY); El Amparo toward Candelaria, 7-10 km N of Salom, 1100-1300 m, 27-30 Dec 1972, Steyermark & Espinoza 106829 (NY); 27-30 Dec 1972, Steyermark & Espinoza 106832 of Nirgua, 10°15'N, 68°35'W, 1200-1300 m, 10 Nov 1967, Wessels Boer 2040 (NY); 11 Nov 1967, Wessels Boer 2044 (NY).
    ZULIA: Casigua El Cubo, between Casigua and Palmira, 1 May 1979, Bunting & Sánchez 7500 (US); Depto. Mara. La Paloma, 600 m, 4 Aug 1981, Bunting 10189 (NY); 10 Aug 1981, Bunting & Kauffman 10260 (NY); Depto. Perijá, 09°35'N, 72°53'W, 100-250 m, 3 Mar 1982, Bunting et al. 10907 (NY); Dis!. Colón, 8 km E of El Rosario, 09°14'N, 72°32'W, 30 m, 25 Jul 1980, Davidse et al. 18558 (MO, NY); Cerro Los Manantiales E of Rio Guasare, W of Hacienda Los Manantiales, 11 °01'N, 72°20?W, 600 m, 3 Jun 1980, Steyermark et al. 123246 (MO, NY); Períja nf. Mission Los Angeles del Tucuco. ca. 09°50'N. 72°50'W, 1000-1200 m, 8 Apr 1968, Wessels Boer 2458 (NY).
    ECUADOR. EL ORO: 13 km W of Pinas on new rd. to Sta. Rosa, 950 m, 9 Oct 1970, Dodson & Gentry 9163 (MO); Quebrada Mono. Río Moro. Monos. 1150m. 31 Aug 1943. Steyermllrk 54242 (F).
    ESMERALDAS: Río Grande, tributary of Río Cayapas at Zapallo Grande, 00°46'N, 78°54'W, 100 m, 15-20 Aug 1985, Barfod & Skov 60103 (AAU, QCA).
    ZAMORACHINCHlPE: Valladolid- Palandra rd., km 1.5, 04°34'S, 79°08'W, 1900 m, 22 Jan 1987, Barfod et al. 60174 (AAU).
    PERU. AMAZONAS: N of Cenepa above Chikan, 200-250 m, 25 Jul 1974, Berlin 1804 (MO, NY).
    HUANUCO: Prov. Pachitea, 26 km ESE of Puerto Inca, 09°27'5, 74°46'W, 1400 m, 2 Feb 1988, Rainer et al. P13-2288 (NY).
    MADRE DE DIOS: Prov. Manu, Cerro de Pantiacolla, Río Palota, 10-15 km NNW of Shintuya, 12°35'S, 71°18'W, 650-700 m, 17 Dec 1985, R. Foster et al. 10999 (NY).
    SAN MARTIN: Prov. Rioja, Pedro Ruíz- Moyobamba rd., between Aguas Claras and Naranjos, 05°51'S, 77°20'W, 1250-1400 m, 28 Aug 1983, D. Smith & Vasquez 4835 (NY).
    BRAZIL. ACRE: Mpio. Mancio Lima, Rio Moa, Serra do Moa, 16 Oct 1989, Henderson et al. 1137, 1138 (NY); 29 Apr 1971, Maas et al. P12651 (INPA, MG, NY, US).
    BOLIVIA. LA PAZ: Prov. Nor Yungas, 10 km N of Caranavi on rd. from town, 15°40'S, 67°39'W, 1500 m, 6 Dec 1985, Henderson & Salomon522, 525 (NY); Prov. Nor Yungas, 35 km from Palos Blancos on rd. to Caranavi, 13 Jul 1987, Moraes & Balslev 847 (US); 13.7 km NW of San Pedro on rd. through Incahuara-Mejillones, on trail to 12 de Octubre, 15°58'S, 67°37'W, 1500 m, 12- 14 Feb 1983, Solomon 9538 (NY). (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)B


    A. Borchsenius F., Borgtoft-Pedersen H. and Baslev H. 1998. Manual to the Palms of Ecuador. AAU Reports 37. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Catalica del Ecuador
    B. Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72