Iguanura humilis (Kiew) C.K.Lim, Gard. Bull. Singapore 48: 37 (1998)

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Kelantan. Pahang, Terengganu. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


  • I propose to elevate in rank this solitary, short-stemmed relative of I. geonomiformis with the upward growing roots. as well described by Kiew who provided a full account of her new variety. The leaves are however, more variable than as identified and illustrated; other specimens from the type location also include those that are pinnate. The inflorescence is spicate, and erect: characteristically. the fruit is globose, white in colour, ripening red. It is interesting that Furtado, who viewed Corner's specimen. had also noted that it might be a new species. It is common and widespread In Terengganu and is possibly also found in bordering Pahang. I t could however be confused with short or stunted forms of I. geonomiformis which have been seen to flower in acaulescence, as in G. Panti which are usually caespitose, whereas I. humilir is distinctly solitary in habit, and mostly not taller than 75cm. In parts of Taman Negara, and in northwest Pahang, however, solitary forms of I. geonomiformis may be seen. but these may well be intermediate variants that may relate with I. humilis. Although undivided leaves are usual especially in the Ulu Setiu area. I. humilis is also often seen with broad pinnate leaves. The ascending growth of the roots may be correlated with the swampy habitat, and there may well be upland individuals without this feature. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A

Materials Examined

  • Kelantan, Gua Panjang. 1927. Henderson 19502 SING; Terengganu, Ulu Ayam, Corner 30258 SING: 30259 SING: 30260 SING; Bukit Kajang Corner 30237 SING; Ulu Setiu 1977. J. Drans 5156 K: C.K. Lim H1451 KEP: H 1518 SING; C.K. Lim H 1299, H 1325, H 1369, H 1542 PSM Collection: Sg. Kemaman. C K . Lim H 1491 PSM Collection. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


    A. Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64