Iguanura belumensis C.K.Lim, Gard. Bull. Singapore 48: 52 (1998)

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Kelantan, Pahang, Perak, Terengganu. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


  • On G. Bubu, a specimen collected in 1972 at lOOOm (Evans 722, UPM) displayed curved fruit. but in another (FSP Ng FRI 6134) they werc ovoid. Like others, the fine specimen with robust stems from Bujang Melaka (Shah -3.369) was thought to be I. polymorpha. The epithet belumensis was chosen for the locality in which we found it in 1989, and used (ined.). for purposes of herbarium depositions; the choice becomes especially appropriate in the light of more recent national conservation efforts in the type area. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


  • I. polymorphae affinis sed habitu solitario, inflorescentiis rachillis 10-14, distincta. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Found on hill forest slopes at alt. c. 800m. not seen on lower locations, its solitary habit and more robust erect stem sets it apart, as does the proluse inflorescence (though sometimes sparse in poor soil conditions), flowering from?lm to 4m or more.
    Not uncommon but endangered by logging along the E.W. Highwav. it has so lar been encountered only in isolation from other Iguanura taxa, although I. bicornis, I. wallichiana and I. geonomiformis have been seen at similar altitude. In the Belum FR, other sympatric palm species include Pinanga subintegra var., P. simplicifrons, P. perakensis, P. malaiana, Nenga macrocarpa and Johannesteijsmannia altifrons. In that area, visited over four vears, I. polymorpha has not been found at this altitude, although to the east and west, at lower levels, that taxon abounds. and also to the north (probably extending into Thailand), where robust colonies of the clustering relative are dominant. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


  • Solitary. stilt-rooted, stem gey or brown. erect to 4m or more. to 1.5cm diam.. leaves abscissing, nine or more in crown, pinnate three to five pairs leaflets. trapezoidal (size and variations similar to I. polymorpha). leaf sheath brown, internode 1-1.4cm. inflorescence often numerous, inter or infrafoliar, finely paniculate with many branches, 10-14, often sub-branching. usually profuse in flower or fruit; fruit ovoid (also known to be curved), white. pink tinged. Ripening red; seed not ridged. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A

Materials Examined

  • Bujang Melaka, 1975, Mohri. Shah 3369 SING: G. Bubu, 1966, Whire FRl 633 KEP, SING; F.S.P. Ng FRI 6134 KEP; Evans 722 UPM; Belum FR. C.K. Lirn H 64, H 122, H 531, H 606, H 621, H 787, H 800, H 991, H 1128, H 1153, H 1163, H 1195, H 124.3, H 1277, H 1306, H 1438, H 1466, H 1468, H 1472 PSM Collection. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


    A. Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64