Iguanura chaiana Kiew, Kew Bull. 34: 144 (1979)

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  • This species is distinguished by the combination of the numerous narrow leaflets and the much-branched inflorescence. Iguanura palmuncula Becc. var. magna Kiew has an inflorescence with 7-10 rachillae, the lowermost with second-order branching but the rachillae are much shorter (8-13 cm long) and the lamina is smaller (30-50 cm long) and has fewer (up to 5) pairs of pinnae; in addition the anthers are lobed and the fruit is strongly ridged. I. chaiana is known from a single specimen. (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A


  • ab L palmuncula Becc. var. magna Kiew foliolis numerosis angustis et antheris non lobatis differt.
    Palma humilis, foliis foliola numerosa 1-2-costata angusta ferentibus; inflorescentia ramosissima. (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A


  • Takes its name from the collector, Paul Chai. (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A


  • Small palm with stem c. 3 m tall and 2 cm diam.; internodes to 1.25 cm long. Leaf sheath 16 cm long, tough and fibrous (? persistent), covered with a dense, reddish-brown tomentum; petiole 5 cm long; lamina 65-70 cm long with c. 27 pairs of narrow pinnae, 30 cm long and 1-2 cm broad with 1 or 2 main lateral veins. Inflorescences among the leaves to 60-75 cm long; with peduncle 35 cm long, densely tomentose; rachillae 9-11, the lowermost 25-40 cm long with 2-3 second-order branches; upper rachillae 16-20 cm long. Floral triads 2-4 mm apart. Staminate flowers yellow, calyx 1 mm long; corolla 2 mm long and ribbed; stamens with unlobed anthers, 1 mm long; pistillode columnar, 1 mm long. Pistillate flowers (immature) with calyx 1 mm long; corolla 1 mm long and ribbed; staminodes minute; ovary ovoid 0.75 mm long. Mature fruit unknown; immature fruit globose without ribs or ridges; epicarp minutely verrucose. (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A

Materials Examined

  • BORNEO: SARAWAK. 2nd Division, Bukit Ubah-Ribu, Ulu Sg. Kaup, Lubok Antu, Chai S33784 (holotype SAR). (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A


    A. Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand