Iguanura curvata Kiew, Kew Bull. 34: 143 (1979)

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  • No other species of Iguanura has curved and ribbed fruits. The Malayan L corniculata Becc. and L polymorpha Becc. have curved fruits which are not ribbed and both these species have trapezoid pinnae (i.e. the lateral veins diverge from the midrib towards the margin). I. myochodoides Kiew from Sarawak has elongate ribbed fruits but they are not curved and its inflorescence has much shorter rachillae (7-9 cm long). (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A


  • ab L corniculata Becc. et I. polymorpha Becc. fructo porcato differt; ab L myochodoides Kiew fructu curvato distinguitur.
    Palma caespitosa, inflorescentia ramosa, rachillis longis; fructus porcatus, elongatus, ad apicem curvatus, 1*4 cm longus, 5-6 mm basi latus, apice 3 mm latus. (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A


  • The specific epithet refers to the curvature of the fruit. (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A


  • Caespitose palm with stem 1.5-3.5 m tall and 1.5 cm diam.; internodes 2.5 cm long. Leaf sheath tough and fibrous, 15 cm long, very densely rusty- tomentose; petiole 40-47 cm long; lamina 36-54 cm long with 3-5 pairs of pinnae; pinnae 21-28 x 2.5-8 cm, with lower veins and rachis densely rufous-hairy. Inflorescences borne among the leaves; prophyll as long as leaf sheath; second peduncular bract projecting 8 cm beyond the leaf sheath, densely brown-tomentose. Inflorescence to 49-57 cm long, with peduncle to 29 cm; rachillae 4-8 in number, 19-33 cm long, the lowermost rachillae sometimes with second-order branching. Staminate flower with calyx 1 mm long, corolla 3 mm long, ribbed; stamens with lobed anthers 1.5 mm long, tissue in the stomial region with conspicuous large raphides; pistillode columnar, 2.5 mm long. Pistillate flowers (immature) with calyx 1 mm long; corolla 2 mm long and ribbed; staminodes minute; ovary ovoid, 1.5 mm long. Fruit elongate, 1.5 cm long by 5-6 mm broad at the base, tapering to 3 mm at the apex, with 3 ribs on the dorsal side and 2 lateral ribs extending less than half way from the base of the fruit, apex curved towards the basal stylar remains; young fruit green, turning white and ripening red. Endosperm homogeneous, curved and smooth (without ribs). (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A

Materials Examined

  • BORNEO: SARAWAK. Hose Mountains, Ulu Temalad, Mujong, Balleh, Ashton S 17623 (holotype K, fruit; SAR, sterile) and S 17625 (K, SAR, flowers). Bintulu, Sg. Kakus, Hirano and Hotta 159 (SAR). Kapit, Bukit Raya, G. Smith S27712 (SAR). Ulu Sg. Melinau, Chai et al. S37566 (SAR). (Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand)A


    A. Kiew, R. 1979: New species and records of Iguanura (Palmae) from Sarawak and Thailand