Daemonorops nuichuaensis (A.J.Hend., N.K.Ban & N.Q.Dung) A.J.Hend., Phytotaxa 8: 27 (2010)

Primary tabs

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  • Known only from southern Vietnam in Ninh Thuan in Nui Chua National Park, on steep slopes in lowland rain forest at 800 m elevation. (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A


  • The specimens cited here will not key in Evans et al. (2002). By its non-climbing habit, eflagellate sheaths, ecirrate leaves, deeply splitting partial inflorescence bracts, and non-distichous pistillate flower arrangement, Calamus nuichuaensis does not fit into any of Beccari's (1908) groups. (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A

Common Name

  • Local name: sui. (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A


  • Stems solitary, non-climbing, to 5 m tall, 3 cm diameter without sheaths, green. Leaf sheaths open, brown with brown tomentum, with dense, yellowish-brown spines to 6 cm long, borne singly or more often in small groups; ocreas to 3 cm long, densely black bristly; flagella absent; petioles 60 cm long, spiny as the sheaths; rachis about 1 m long, reddishbrown tomentose, not spiny abaxially; cirri absent; pinnae 33 per side of rachis, 46 cm long, 1.8 cm wide at the middle, linear, regularly arranged and spreading in the same plane, with a single vein, scarcely bristly on the margins, with black bristles on the vein abaxially near the apices. Staminate inflorescences not known; pistillate inflorescences to 1 m long, arching below the leaves, branched to 1 or 2 orders, with at least 15 partial inflorescences; prophylls to 15 cm long; partial inflorescence bracts to 7 cm long, densely covered adaxially with soft, black bristles to 1 cm long, splitting to the base but ± persistent in fruit; rachillae 1 or 2, 2 cm long, densely brown tomentose; rachillae bracts 3 mm high, long acuminate; floral bracteoles cupular, scarcely lobed; flowers not known, the dyads closely spaced, borne in 2 parallel rows along one side of the rachilla; fruits 2 cm diameter, depressed globose, reddish-brown; endosperm ruminate; embryo basal. (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A

Materials Examined

  • Vietnam. Ninh Thuan: Ninh Hai District, Nui Chua National Park, near summit of mountain, forest on rocky slopes, 11°48'N, 109°10'E, ca. 800 m, 27 Jul 2007, A. Henderson, Ninh Khac Ban, & A Ruc Cui 3468 (Holotypus: HN! Isotypi: K! NY!). (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A


    A. Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197