Daemonorops fissilis (A.J.Hend., N.K.Ban & N.Q.Dung) A.J.Hend., Phytotaxa 8: 27 (2010)

Primary tabs

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Known only from central Vietnam in Thua Thien-Hue and near Da Nang City, on steep slopes in lowland rain forest. (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A


  • In Evans et al. (2002) the specimens cited here will key to the couplet containing Calamus guruba Buch.-Ham. and C. hypoleucus (Kurz) Kurz. These two species belong to Beccari's (1908) Group VI, having the partial inflorescence bracts split open and becoming laminar. However, this group has flagellate sheaths and ecirrate leaves, unlike the eflagellate sheaths and cirrate leaves of C. fissilis. By its combination of eflagellate sheaths, cirrate leaves, and deeply splitting partial inflorescence bracts, C. fissilis does not fit into any of Beccari's groups. (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A

Common Name

  • May cam (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A


  • The canes are used for tying. (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A


  • Stems clustered, 7-10 m long, 1 cm diameter with sheaths. Leaf sheaths closed and tubular, green with dense, reddish-brown tomentum initially, with brown, flattened, horizontally spreading spines to 1 cm long, borne in short rows; knees present, obscure; ocreas obscure, less than 0.3 cm long, membranous; flagella absent; petioles absent or to 0.5 cm long; rachis 28-30 cm long, with few, recurved, solitary spines abaxially; cirri present, 40-45 cm long; pinnae 9-11 per side of rachis, 16.5-20 cm long, 1-1.2 cm wide at the middle, linear-lanceolate, regularly and distantly arranged, minutely spiny along the margins. Staminate inflorescences 10-19 cm long, arching, not flagellate, branched to 2 orders, with 3-6 partial inflorescences; prophylls 4-6 cm long, sometimes subtending the first partial inflorescence; partial inflorescence bracts 3-3.5 cm long, densely brown tomentose on the outer surfaces, split almost to their bases before anthesis; rachillae 1-5, 1-1.5 cm long; rachillae bracts 1.5 mm high, acuminate; floral bracteoles cupular; staminate flowers 3 mm long; calyx 2-2.5 mm long, cupular, shallowly lobed at the apex, glabrous except for tomentum on lobes; corolla 2.5-3 mm long, split to the base into 3 valvate petals, glabrous; stamens 6, 2 mm long; pistillode absent; pistillate inflorescences and fruits not known. (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A

Materials Examined

  • Vietnam. Thua Thien-Hue: Bach Ma National Park, 16°14'N, 107°52'E, 100 m, 12 Apr 2007, A. Henderson, Nguyen Quoc Dung, Phan Xuan Phuong, & Le Van Bo 3266 (Holotypus: HN! Isotypi: K! NY!).

    Vietnam. Da Nang City, Hoa Vang District, Ba Na-Nui Chua Nature Reserve, 16°00'N, 108°01'E, ca. 800 m, 18 Apr 2007, Henderson et al. 3289 (HN, K, NY). (Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197)A


    A. Henderson, A.J., Ban, N.K. & Dung, N.Q. 2008: New species of Calamus (Palmae) from Vietnam. – Palms; Journal of the International Palm Society 52(4): 187-197