Daemonorops kurziana Hook.f. ex Becc., Fl. Brit. India 6: 463 (1893)

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Common species of cane in evergreen forests at South Andamans. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Flowering November-December. Fruiting April-June. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Common Name

  • Sanka beth (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Extensively used in furniture industry. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Clustering large diameter rattan. Stem 20 m long or more, with sheaths 5 cm in diameter, without sheaths 4 cm in diameter. Leaf 3 m long or more, cirrate; sheath yellowish green, densely armed with spines; spines brown, dimorphic, larger ones 2.5 cm long,, base 0.8 cm broad, flat, triangular, papery, brownish with upraised base, smaller ones 1.5 x 0.2 cm, spines above the knee uniform, 1.5 x 0.2 cm, mouth of the sheath with numerous, papery spines, spines to 6 cm long; knee prominent; ocrea riot seen; petiole long, margins spiny; spines to 1 cm long, 3 cm broad; rachis with a single row of reflexed spines at the lower side, upper side with small spines, spines to 0.5 cm long; leaflets regular, the largest to 50 x 3 cm, margins with bristles, midrib prominent, lateral veins ciliate above towards the distal end. Inflorescence erect, covered by an armed sheath; partial inflorescence to 15 cm long; primary sheath long, broad, free, unarmed; rachilla to 7 cm long. Fruit globose, ca. 1.7x 1.5cm; scales in 18 vertical rows, orange yellow on ripening, border dark brown, deeply channelled in the middle; endosperm ruminate. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Materials Examined

  • Tharmugali, Wondoor, South Andamans, 8.4.1988, fr., Renuka 4062 (KFRI). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


    A. Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands