Daemonorops rarispinosa Renuka & Vijayak., Rheedea 4: 125 (1994)

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Common species of Daemonorops at Little Andaman Island. (Map 6). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Flowering not known. Fruiting April- June. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Used in furniture industry and also for making 'lathies'. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Clustering, medium diameter rattan. Stem 20 m long or more,with sheaths 2.5 cm in diameter, without sheaths 2 cm in diameter. Leaves to 1 m long, cirrate: sheath light yellow, sparingly armed with downwardly directed spines, spines 1.5 cm, triangular, flat; knee prominent; ocrea not seen; petiole spiny at margins, spines 1 cm long; rachis with a row of reflexed spines at the adaxial side; leaflets narrow, regular, 40 x 1.7 cm., green,midrib prominent, margins with bristles, lateral veins ciliate above. Inflorescence erect, 40 cm long, covered by a primary armed bract. Fruit globose, 1.3 cm in diameter; scales in 18 vertical rows, golden yellow, channelled; endosperm ruminate. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Materials Examined

  • 20th km, Little Andamans, 14.4.1992, fr., Vyoyo/cu-moron 6637 (KFRI). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


    A. Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands