Iguanura palmuncula var. magna Kiew, Gard. Bull. Singapore 28: 212 (1976)

Primary tabs



Map uses TDWG level 3 distributions (https://github.com/tdwg/wgsrpd)
Borneo present (World Checklist of Arecaceae)B
Sarawak, Gunung Gaharu and Telok Sabang. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Caulis ad 3 m altus, 1 cm diametro. Annuli aggregati vel ad 3 cm distantes. Petiolus 15-25 cm longus. Lamina 30-50 cm longa, 13 cm lata in 3-5 paribus segmentis trapezoideis divisa. Inflorescentia inter vel infra folia. Spatha exterior 7 cm longa, interior 19 cm longa. Pedunculus 20-25 cm longus, 3 mm diametro. Rachillae 7-18, 8-13 cm longae, 1 mm crassae. Rachillae inferiores late divaricatae, rachillis ordinis secundis. Flores 1/2-1 cm distantes. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Plant tall, stem to 3 m and 1 cm thick. Annuli crowded or up to 3 cm apart. Petiole 15-25 cm long. Lamina 30-50 cm long and 13 cm wide, divided into 3-5 pairs of more or less trapezoid segments. Inflorescence either among or below leaves. Outer spathe 7 cm long, inner 19 cm long. Peduncle 20-25 cm, 3 mm thick. Rachillae 7-10, 8-13 cm long and 1 mm thick. Lower rachillae widely spread with second order branching. Flowers 1/2-1 cm apart. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A

Materials Examined

  • Sarawak: Kuching, Telok Sabang, Anderson S 12246 SARF (!); G. Gaharu, Anders()in S 15319 SARF (!), K (!). (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226) (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Anderson discovered plants with the same peculiar fruits at Gunung Gaharu and Telok Sabang. These plants differ from the typical variety in being taller, possessing larger leaves and a secondarily branched inflorescence, this difference in size is so marked that I have accorded them varietal rank as var. magna. Anderson reports (pers. comm.) that the plants he collected came from small and local populations. At Telok Sabang this variety was growing in shallow peat - the only species to be recorded from shallow peat.


    A. Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226
    B. World Checklist of Arecaceae