Calamus pseudorivalis Becc., Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 11(1): 222 (1908)

Primary tabs

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Evergreen forests at Great Nicobar. (Map. 7). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • The cane thickness has been found to be highly variable, even within the same clump (PI. 10. A). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Flowering November - December. Fruiting April - May. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Used in furniture industry. Not exploited much. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Clustering, medium diameter rattans. Stem to 30 m long, with sheaths 1-1.25 cm in diameter, without sheaths 0.5-1.3 cm. Leaf 1 m long, ecirrate; sheath green, densely spiny; spines 0.8 cm long, persistent, dimorphic with broad-based, triangular-acute and slender, bristly spines interspersed, the latter shedding off at a later stage; knee present; ocrea not seen; petiole absent; rachis triangular, spiny; leaflets ca. 45 x 2 cm, gradually becoming smaller towards the tip, terminal pair confluent, regular, linear lanceolate spinulose at margin, midvein spiny. Inflorescence, male inflorescence not seen; female inflorescence long flagellate; primary sheath tubular; partial inflorescence to 60 cm long; secondary sheaths tubular; rachilla to 13 cm long; involucre cup shaped: fruiting perianth 0.3 cm long. Fruit ovoid, ca. 1.5 x 1 cm, scales in 21 vertical rows, shiny yellow, turning violet on ripening, deeply channelled in the middle; endosperm not ruminate. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Materials Examined

  • Nicobar, Man s.n (K, Cibachrome); 13th Km., East West Road, Nicobar, 10.4.93, fr. Renuca and Vijayakumaran 7040 (KFRI). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


    A. Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands