Calamus erioacanthus Becc., For. Borneo : 610 (1902)

Primary tabs


Locally common in the 1st and 2nd Divisions. Not known elsewhere. Endemic. (Dransfield, J. 1992: The Rattans of Sarawak)A


  • C. erioacanthus has quite a wide altitudinal range from c. 50 - 800 m above sea level. It occurs in lowland dipterocarp forest and on ridge tops with submontane elements. It is quite variable, particularly in the density of the spines; however, it can be distinguished from other species in the group having cirri and vestigial flagella by the well developed ocrea and the broad lanceolate grouped leaflets. (Dransfield, J. 1992: The Rattans of Sarawak)A


  • Woolly spine (Dransfield, J. 1992: The Rattans of Sarawak)A

Common Name

  • wi buluh (Ib.) (Dransfield, J. 1992: The Rattans of Sarawak)A


  • The cane appears to be of good quality. (Dransfield, J. 1992: The Rattans of Sarawak)A


  • Clustering rattan climbing to 10 m or more; stem without sheaths 7-10 mm diam., with sheaths to 18 mm diam., internodes c. 15 cm long. Sheaths dark green, armed with scattered triangular black spines to 10 mm long with decurrent bases and long hairy margins, or spines more crowded and of varying size, low ridges sometimes present between the spines; knee well developed; ocrea 5-8 cm, membranous at first, becoming fibrous and net-like, conspicuous in young sheaths. Vestigial flagellum to 10 cm, usually less. Leaf to 1.5 m including the cirrus to 75 cm; petiole very short in mature stems, 2-6 cm long; leaflets c. 12 on each side of the rachis, irregularly arranged in groups of 2 - 4, shiny dark green, broad lanceolate, the longest 25-35x4.5-5.5 cm, ± unarmed, transverse veinlets conspicuous. Inflorescences inconspicuous, appearing dead even at anthesis, with up to 7 partial inflorescences; base of prophyll sparsely to very densely armed with hairy-margined spines; primary and secondary bracts covered in brown scales, irregularly tattering; partial inflorescences to 15 cm, often less, partly obscured by the tattering bracts; male and female rachillae very short, usually crowded. Mature fruit ± oblate, 15 x 17 mm, briefly beaked, covered in c. 21 vertical rows of pale straw-coloured scales, irregularly blotched and tinged with reddish-brown. Seed c. 10 mm diam.; endosperm deeply ruminate. Seedling leaf not known (Fig. 49). (Dransfield, J. 1992: The Rattans of Sarawak)A


    A. Dransfield, J. 1992: The Rattans of Sarawak