Calamus prasinus Lakshmana & Renuka, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 14: 705 (1991)

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Evergreen forests at about 530 m. Mangalore Forest Division and Sampaje (Fig. 5). (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Flowering November-December. Fruiting May-June. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A

Common Name

  • Kannada: Ontibetha (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


  • A good quality cane, used in furniture industry. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


  • Solitary, high climbing canes. Stems with sheaths to 3 cm in diameter, without sheaths to 1.2 cm. Sheath pale green, densely armed with spines to 1 cm long-, knee conspicuous. Leaf ecirrate, to 2.5 m long including the petiole; petiole to 30 cm long, biconvex, armed with small prickles, underneath with recurved spines; rachis triangular, underneath with recurved spines, petiole and rachis when cut exudes milky latex; leaflets ca 50 x 2.5 cm, terminal pair united basally, shiny green, underneath with shallow linear pits when fresh, 3- veined, veins ciliate on the upper half, lateral veins ciliate above, midvein ciliate beneath, cilia upto 1 cm long. Inflorescence long, pendulous; primary sheath tightly sheathing, two-keeled, tip lacerate, spiny; partial inflorescence to 18 cm long; secondary sheath unarmed , tubular, tightly sheathing; rachillae to 5 cm long, arched and recurved, arising from just above the mouth of the sheath; involucrophorum stalked, to 3 mm long, attached above the mouth of the sheath; involucre disc shaped. Fruit globose. Scales in 26 rows, deeply channeled along the middle, yellow, shiny, bright green when young. Endosperm ruminate. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A

Materials Examined

  • Sampaje, 20.5.88, fr, Renuka 4082 (KFRI); Magunde, 17.3.89, fr.,Renuka 4092 (KFRI). (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


    A. Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.