Calamus karnatakensis Renuka & Lakshmana, R. I. C. Bull. 9: 10 (1990)

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Evergreen forests between 530-1200 m above. Kargal range, Agumbe state forests, Thalakaveri. (Fig. 4). (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Flowering December-January. Fruiting April-May. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


  • A good medium diameter cane, used in the furniture industry. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


  • Clustering, high climbing canes. Stems 8 to 20 m or more long, with sheaths to 3 cm in diameter, without sheaths to 1.5 cm. Sheath when mature yellow, lower part greenish brown or greenish yellow, young sheaths with brown tomentum, densely armed with spines, spines stout, ca 2.5 cm long,sometimes forming half spiral, mouth of the sheath provided with longer spines to 4 cm; knee prominent, wrinkled; ocrea to 6 cm long, with small spines. Leaf ecirrate, to 1.5 m long; petiole to 30 cm long, rachis to 1 cm wide; leaflets ca 50 x 2.5 cm, regular, 3-veined, veins and margins spinulose, terminal pair united basally. Inflorescence long, flagellate; partial inflorescences many; primary and secondary sheaths tightly sheathing at first, later split open, sometimes becoming laminar; basal part of secondary sheath narrow, upper part funnel-shaped, spinulose; rachillae to 15 cm long; involucrophorum sessile, arising from inside the sheath, involucre sessile, cup-shaped, shallow. Fruit ca 8 mm long, globose, scales in 19 rows, yellow with chestnut brown border, light violet when ripe. Endosperm not ruminate, seedling leaf fan-shaped. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A

Materials Examined

  • Kargal range 13.5.88, fl., fr, Renuka 4068, 4069 (KFRI); Agumbe, 16.5.88, fr, Renuka 4076 (KFRI); 18.3.89, fl., Renuka 4094, 4095 (KFRI); Thalakaveri, 15.3.89. fr, Renuka 4088 (KFRI). (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


    A. Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.