Calamus minor A.J.Hend., Taiwania 52: 156 (2007)

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Lao (Bolikhamsay). (Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007)A


  • The Lao specimens cited here were included by Evans et al. (2002) in Calamus hypoleucus, a species known only from Myanmar. However, as noted by Evans et al., the Lao specimens have longer leaves and narrower pinnae, these with spiny margins near the apex, and longer
    inflorescences. (Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007)A


  • A Calamo hypoleuco differt caulibus 2.5-3 m longis; foliis vaginis spinis usque 1 cm longis, vaginis apicibus spinis interdum usque 2 cm longis. (Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Lowland forest, at 140-160 m elevation. (Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007)A

Common Name

  • Wai deng, wai hangnou (Lao). (Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007)A


  • The shoot is edible and the stems used for handicrafts. (Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007)A


  • Stems clustered, 2.5-3 m long and 0.7-1 cm diameter (with leaf sheaths). Leaf sheaths greenish-yellow, sparsely covered with brown, black-tipped, flattened, horizontally or upward spreading spines to 1.4 cm long, those at sheath apex sometimes to 2.5 cm long; knees present; ocreas present, to 0.3 cm long, fibrous, disintegrating; flagella absent; petioles 3-10 cm long, sparsely covered laterally and abaxially with recurved spines to 0.5 cm long; rachis 40-70 cm long, abaxially with few, recurved, solitary spines; pinnae 5-6 per side of rachis, lanceolate, regularly but distantly arranged, 15-30 cm long, 1.7-4 cm wide, gray abaxially, without marginal spines except near apices, the apical pair of pinnae only briefly joined at their bases; cirri absent. Inflorescences 0.2-0.4 m long, briefly or not flagellate; partial inflorescences inserted at the base of the partial inflorescence bract; partial inflorescence bracts open and not sheathing the main axis, not spiny; staminate inflorescences branched to three orders, with 4-6 partial inflorescences; rachillae to 0.5 cm long; rachillae bracts distichously arranged, to 1 mm long, glabrous; floral bracteoles 0.5 mm long, glabrous; staminate flowers to 3.5 mm long, to 10 per rachilla, arranged alternately and distichously along the rachillae; calyx 2 mm long, tubular except for the 3-lobed apex; corolla 3 mm long, with 3 valvate petals free to the base; pistillode absent; pistillate inflorescences branched to two orders, with up to six partial inflorescences; rachillae to 1.5 cm long; rachillae bracts distichously arranged; pistillate flowers not seen; fruits not seen. (Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007)A

Materials Examined

  • Additional specimens examined: LAO. Bolikhamsay: Thaphabat Province, Bhat kai, 18°24’N, 103°08’E, 160 m, 10 Apr 1998, Khamphone et al. 138 (K); Thaphabat Province, close to Ban Hatkhai, 18°24’N, 103°09’E, 140 m, 17 Dec 1998, Khamphone & Evans 320 (K); same locality, same date, Khamphone & Evans 321 (K). (Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007)A


    A. Henderson, A.J., New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar in Taiwania 52(2). 2007