Calamus rheedei Griff., Calcutta J. Nat. Hist. 5: 73 (1845)

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NDIA (Kerala, Kamataka). Endemic. (Basu, S.K. 1992: Rattans (canes) in India. A Monographic Revision)A


  • This species is described on the basis of Van Rheede's plate 65 and text published in the volume 12, page 121 of Hortus Indicus Malaharicus. A solitary indeterminate specimen mounted on three sheets and preserved in the Madras Herbarium perfectly matched with Van Rheede's plate and description (Basu, S.K. 1992: Rattans (canes) in India. A Monographic Revision)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Infrequent in the moist forests of Western Ghats. (Basu, S.K. 1992: Rattans (canes) in India. A Monographic Revision)A


  • It is reported that powdered dried seeds have a healing effect against ulcers. (Basu, S.K. 1992: Rattans (canes) in India. A Monographic Revision)A


  • A slender climber; stem cluster-forming, with leaf sheath 11-13 mm in diameter. Leaves ecirrate, to 80 cm long; leafsheath with inconspicuous knee, armed with 1 - 1.5 cm long, straight spines and small spicules; ocrea with upwardly projecting brown bristles; petiole about 7 cm long, slender, armed a little above the base with small scattered spines; leaflets in groups of four, each pointing to different angles, with long vacant space in between the groups, narrowly lanceolate, 1 -nerved, to 13 cm long, 1.5 - 2 cm broad at middle. Male inflorescence flagelliform, 1 m or more long, with 4 - 6 paniculately branched partial inflorescences; each arising from the base of the laminar part of the respective bracts; peduncular part of partial inflorescence completely enclosed within the tubular part of the bracts; rachillae to 2 cm long, with 8-10 male flowers in each rachilla. Female inflorescence leaf-opposite, elongate in its axial part, with 5 - 8 cm long partial inflorescences attached above the mouth of the respective bracts; rachillae with basal callus, 3 - 5 cm long. Fruit ovoid, stalked, shortly beaked, 1.3 cm in diameter; fruit scales flattened, with brown outer margins. Seed not examined. (Basu, S.K. 1992: Rattans (canes) in India. A Monographic Revision)A

Materials Examined

  • Kamataka : Coorg, 1825, Forest Officer s.n. (MH Ace. no. 52725). (Basu, S.K. 1992: Rattans (canes) in India. A Monographic Revision)A


    A. Basu, S.K. 1992: Rattans (canes) in India. A Monographic Revision