Calamus semierectus Renuka & Vijayak., Rheedea 4: 122 (1994)

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Evergreen forests at Car Nicobar (Map 3). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Flowering November - December. Fruiting April - May. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Used in the construction of huts. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Solitary, large diameter rattan. Stem to 15 m long, basal part stand erect, rest climbing, with sheaths 5 cm in diameter without sheaths 3 cm in diameter, basal nodes with exposed roots. Leaves 2 m long, cirratejuvenile leaf not cirrate; sheath yellow, armed with spines; spines jet black, in tufts below the knee, arranged on a raised rim in semicircles, mouth of the sheath with longer spines; knee present; ocrea not seen; petiole armed with black spines: rachis with small spines to 0.5 cm long: leaflets c.o. 55 x 3.5 cm, regular, linear lanceolate, 3 veined, veins ciliate on the ventral side, cilia to 0.8 cm long. Inflorescence long flagellate; primary sheath upper part papery; partial inflorescence 50 cm long; secondary sheath upper part papery; splits open; involucrophorum present, involucre cup shaped; fruiting perianth stalked. Fruit ovoid - elliptic, ca. 1.5x1 cm; scales in 15 vertical rows, brown with light brown margin, not channelled in the middle; endosperm not ruminate. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Materials Examined

  • Car Nicobar, 7.4.1993, fr., Renuka and Vijayakumaran 7037 (KFRI). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


    A. Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands